Philosophy and Approach

I believe tennis is an extremely simple game that is far too often complicated by useless technical information. Turn sideways, take your racket back early, hit through 5 balls, step forward, stay down through the shot ... the fact I still see coaches teaching this is embarassing. At MMT we focus on fundamentals and reinforce these fundamentals over and over again. The cornerstone of our philosophy is based around what world famous tennis coach, Oscar Wegner, calls the 3 F's - Find the ball, feel it and finish the stroke. Master these for every stroke, follow basic progressions and you will always be improving. Competition and learning how to win points are also part of developing as a tennis player and this is why situational training is included for our players in every single lesson. As well as this each session includes an athletic warm-up featuring elements of mobility, dynamic flexibility, strength, speed, agility and stability. After all, tennis is only getting faster and faster and no great player was ever a poor athlete.
But above all, we also have a great time. Having a ton of FUN and making the environment players practise in a relaxed one is extremely important to me.
For more information on our tennis philosophy, I advise you to go to and read some of Oscar's tips.